The TGC offers service long-reads DNA sequencing using the MinION instrument from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, employing the fourth-generation DNA sequencing technology. Ultra-long read lengths are possible (hundreds of kb) as well as detection of native DNA methylation.
DNA long-reads sequencing offers advantages in all areas of research, such as microbiology, environmental research, microbiome, human genetics, cancer research, plant and animal research and more. Specifically, the MinION sequencer allows for special applications not possible in other sequencing technologies, such as long amplicon sequencing (>500 bp), de-novo sequencing of small genomes, and genomic-editing analysis of small genomes.
For orders please read the sample delivery instructions.
Fill and send us the electronic sample sheet.
For additional information, please contact:
Liat Linde, tel 073-3785452 or 073-3785168
Rappaport building 073-3785221
Emerson building 073-3781387