The MiSeq produces data of the highest quality with several unique features:
- Enables long reads, up to 2X300 bp.
- Ideal for de novo sequencing of small genomes.
- Rapid sequencing of each run is conducted from a single lane.
- Sequences 2X150 bp in approximately 24 hours
- Produces 15-25 million reads per single read run, and 30-50 million reads in paired end runs
MiSeq sequencing kits come in lengths of 50, 150, 300, 500, and 600 cycles. Kits of 50, 150, and 300 cycles can be used either for paired-end or single read sequencing. For instance, the 300 cycle kit can be used either for 300 bp single read sequencing or for 150 bp paired-end sequencing. Users who wish to sequence paired-end libraries prepared with uneven end lengths can also choose to do paired-end sequencing of different lengths for each end. Additionally, users who wish to minimize the amount of data they receive can select to use the MiSeq Nano kit.
Main applications include:
- Sequencing small genomes.
- Amplicon sequencing.
- Validation of sequencing libraries.
- Small RNA.
- Metagenomic.
- 16S ribosomal sequencing.
For additional information, please contact:
Liat Linde, tel 073-3785452 or 073-3785168
Rappaport building 073-3785221
Emerson building 073-3781387