The NEPA21 Electroporator enables transfection of different cell lines including difficult-to-transfect-cells such as primary cells, stem cells, immune cells, blood cells, etc. The technology is based on a novel 4-step pulse with voltage decay which results in high transfection efficiency and high viability, without the need of special buffers. It specifically recommended for CRISPR application.
The transfection protocol requires complementary cuvettes that can be purchased by the user from the BCF.
For NEPA21 Electroporator orders please go to BookItLab.
For cuvettes orders please go to BookItLab offline services.
protocol “NEPA21 Transfection off Cell Suspensions Using Cuvettes“ and calibration conditions
For additional information, please contact:
Liat Linde, tel 073-3785452 or 073-3785168
Rappaport building 073-3785221
Emerson building 073-3781387